1. Open Quick Communication

One of the drawbacks of living in the age of technology is that people want their responses immediately. While patience is a virtue, most people don’t have it anymore. As soon as they hit the purchase button on your website, they’re tracking to make sure their package arrives. When it pertains to communication, be intentional about building a system where you can get back to your customers within 24 hours. If that’s not possible, set up a system that explicitly states the expectations to protect the credibility of your brand and business.

2. Efficient Systems

While your social media platforms matter, your website is the most important online system. This is because it’s where your customers will make their purchases. Make sure you choose an online system that can handle a specific bandwidth. Choose proven systems like Shopify Plus as it comes with all of the customizable features you’ll need in order to make transactions simple, showcase products and services and track data.

3. Proven Results

You won’t get results overnight. This is where you have to lean into the process for the long haul. When you’re able to achieve consistent results over a period of time, it’ll be easier to establish your credibility. If your online business sells products for people who struggle with hyperpigmentation, find a few people who are willing to be the guinea pigs of the process. Test the products on them. Show the progress within a six-month time frame. Showcase the customers who have glowing reviews. When people see a “before/after” result, it’s easier to believe that the product or service will work for them.

4. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing can be very touchy for many people. Though the laws continue to develop around the integrity of influencer marketing, it can still be an incredibly impactful way to expose your brand to new people as you gain credibility. The key is to partner with influencers who will actually use the product and vouch for it authentically. When the partnership isn’t authentic, this is when you’ll lose credibility.


Oftentimes, people get stuck on the details that don’t matter in the long run. While it’s great to have a logo and a cohesive Instagram page, what will you do when customers start arriving? If you don’t have these areas in place, it’s going to be tough to build a rolodex of repeat customers. Granted, you will make mistakes and have hiccups. However, always remember to keep the main goal and action steps clear. When you do that, you’ll be able to progress toward the success you desire.

Building Your Credibility as an Online Entrepreneur - 94Building Your Credibility as an Online Entrepreneur - 93Building Your Credibility as an Online Entrepreneur - 96Building Your Credibility as an Online Entrepreneur - 62