Today we would like to draw your attention and share the latest information regarding the admission campaign. Meanwhile, we recommend you to check official governmental websites in order to get the authoritative updates. Although the situation doesn’t seem to look perfect, life can’t be set on pause, and it goes on. We need to look forward and study, achieve new goals, and succeed in self-development. Many students still consider the option to study abroad, apply for a grant, or participate in exchange educational programs. Now more than ever before, it’s essential to be aware of such an important decision. The educational institutions that have decided to reopen applied exhaustive measures and security protocols to guarantee students’ and teachers’ safety. The emphasis will be placed on combined education (face-to-face and remote). The admission procedure has not changed. You will have to present the same documentation as the previous years (each university may reserve the right to request additional information).

WHO expects the second wave of Coronavirus in autumn-winter 2022/21. The recommendations about restrictions vary depending on each country. We advise you to review travel recommendations and stay informed about the current situation in your intended country. It’s worth paying particular attention to the response that each country has given on the COVID-10 challenge. Learn about testing availability and percentage of tested population, quarantine measures, social distancing rules, and whether wearing a mask is obligatory. One of the essential factors that might influence your decision is the capacity of the healthcare system of the country where you plan to study to respond to possible outbreaks.   Universities and colleges that plan to reopen prepared detailed plans to follow. Depending on each academic institution, the restrictions may vary, but generally, they coincide. Protocols include social distancing measures, regular testing of students and staff, and symptom reporting daily. All these measures are driven to protect students from possible outbreaks. Check out the conditions of your health insurance policy and clarify if it covers Coronavirus’s issues. Minimizing risk is crucial.

Admission Procedure Remains the Same, but …

Contact your Future School in Advance

The standard admission procedure remains the same. Moreover, some colleges and universities approved certain exceptions. Contact your intended academic institution and clarify all the necessary information. Formulate questions clearly, don’t be afraid to ask everything you want to know. Keep in mind that most programs and courses will reopen the fall 2022 semester on remote or hybrid (in-person/online classes).

Meet the Deadlines

Remember that due to unprecedented situations, colleges and universities reserve the right to adjust applications and enrolment deadlines and changes in academic schedules. They depend on restrictions and measures taken by governments and can’t foresee the development of the situation. Nevertheless, in case you are firmly convinced of the decision to study abroad, we advise you to meet the deadlines mentioned on the institution website.

Avoid Irreversible Expenses

Try not to assume irreversible financial responsibilities and logistical commitments (avoid purchasing flights or paying the accommodation; instead, you can book it) until you get the official announcement and confirmation about the lifting of restrictions and the starting date of the semester in your institution.

Have a Backup Plan

It would be best if you were ready for last-minute changes. Now is the best time to have a backup plan. If your learning program abroad is suspended this semester, you need to be well-informed about the educational opportunities you have in your country.

Think about Alternatives

While there is no precise information about the learning process 2022/21, you can consider becoming a volunteer in NGO, look for a short-term job, or start an internship in your country. Having this in your CV is a considerable advantage while passing the admission process. We encourage you not to waste time, register, and pass online GMAT or GRE tests. Staying at home and taking a gap year will also serve you to conduct thorough research on the field you want to study. You will have enough time to get prepared to write an admission essay. In case you need professional writing assistance, get in contact with cheap essay writing service that offers supreme quality papers at an affordable price.

Consider an Online Degree

If you are determined to continue studying, consider applying for online study platforms offered by prestigious universities from all over the world. Online Bachelor’s and Master’s programs use flexible rolling admission policy; you can incorporate anytime when there is an available course. Keep in mind that an online degree sometimes takes more time to complete and denies the opportunity to live abroad and get utterly different life experiences. But in no case, remote education and off-campus experiences don’t suppose low-quality schooling. The fall semester will be exceptional; universities will test various innovative techniques to ensure the continuity of the educational process in case of a possible re-outbreak of COVID cases. Obeying the rules of safety and personal hygiene, we protect ourselves and our academic environment.

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