Scientists have established that maggots are fly larvae. Rotting waste material or food often produces methane gas that attracts flies. Once drawn, they lay their eggs on the rotting waste material, which becomes an instant food source as soon as the larvae hatch. A maggot’s lifespan is approximately five to eight days. After the days elapse, maggots change into adult flies. If the creatures do not have a water source or food, they can last for only two or three days. You should not fret if you have maggots in your garbage because the problem does not affect you alone. Most people do not like admitting that having maggots in their trash is a common problem. However, the problem is so common that there are several proven methods of eradicating them and preventing them from coming back.

Is It Normal to Get Maggots in My Garbage Can?

Having a maggot infestation in your bin is not uncommon, although it isn’t pleasant. You are most likely to experience them if you have any rotting food or waste material in your bin, especially during hot summer months. You are most likely to get rid of the maggots when you empty your bin. However, if some of them are left behind, you can try several methods of getting rid of them.

Are Maggots Dangerous? 

The sight of maggots wriggling through decomposing food can be repulsing. However, these tiny creatures are one of the environment’s unsung heroes. With other insects and bacteria, maggots provide beneficial services, including breaking down dead things and healing wounds. They are also a delicacy in several parts of the world. You should, however, note that not all maggots are helpful.  Some of them are pests that eat and destroy crops, leading to irrecoverable damage to farmers. Additionally, eating maggot-infested food or maggots can lead to bacterial poisoning. You should throw away any food that contains maggots if you want to avoid any diseases. Maggots may also be contaminated with Escherichia coli bacteria and Salmonella enteritidis. Some of the symptoms of Escherichia coli bacteria include vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and nausea. Escherichia coli bacteria and Salmonella enteritidis can also cause fatigue and bloody stool. Some individuals are also allergic to maggots. Experts have established that some larvae can cause asthmatic and respiratory symptoms among people who have used it as fishing bait or occupationally exposed.  

How to Get Rid of Maggots in the Bin

Most maggots usually go when you empty your bin. However, you can try the following methods if some larvae are left behind:

Kill the maggots using boiling waterUse large quantities of salt to kill the larvae.Wash/rinse your bin after emptying it to ensure that you have killed all the maggots. If you have a wheeled-bin, you can contact professional cleaners to help you clean it.

What Kills Maggots Instantly?

If you have spotted maggots in your bin, you probably wonder what you can use to kill them and eradicate them for good. There are various remedies for your problem, here are some of them:

Use a Spot Spray Treatment or a Broader Spray

If you have established that you have a small maggot infestation, then a spot spray treatment (spraying the exact spot where you see maggots) will kill them instantly. If you have a more significant infestation, you should consider a broader spray (spraying the general vicinity of the garbage) to eradicate the infestation. If you don’t have the spray, you can grab any of these sprays since they kill other bugs as well as maggots.

Use an Electronic Fly Trap

You can get rid of a maggot infestation by using a fly zapper or an electronic fly trap to kill the flies before they lay more eggs. The two emit a white UV light, which attracts all insects and then zaps them with electricity. However, it would help if you only used this option when needed because it might kill all flying insects, including the useful ones.

Use Boiling Water to Kill Maggots Instantly

Once you discover that your bin is infested with maggots, you should throw garbage away and wash or rinse the garbage can containing larvae. Washing or rinsing will eliminate most of the maggots. However, if you will still spot some after rinsing or washing your garbage can, you can pour boiling water into it to kill the larvae instantly. Check this too: What Attracts Cockroaches to Your Home If you want, you can also add one and a half cups of hydrogen peroxide and one cup of bleach into a gallon of boiling water.

Does Salt Kill Maggots?

All living creatures need water to stay hydrated and to survive. Salt is a proven method that will help you get rid of maggots in trash can. Maggots cannot handle the impact of salt because it is a natural dehydrator. The good news is that any table salt will help you with the job. All you have to do is to sprinkle a substantial amount of salt over the creatures. It would help if you also placed the salt around the rim of your bin to prevent the larvae from coming back. Once all of them are dead, clean up, put them in a sealed bag immediately, and ensure that you wash the bin thoroughly.

Will Bleach Kill Maggots?

If you have bleach in your house, you can use it to kill maggots. All you need to do is dilute the bleach using an equal amount of water in a metal or plastic bowl. You should then pour the mixture onto the infected area and ensure that you cover every area. If the infestation was in an outdoor bin, you should ensure that the lid is closed so enable the fumes suffocate all the larvae. Leave the lid closed for at least half an hour, then clean it out. Once the bin is clean, pour more water and bleach to prevent another infestation.

Will the Garbage Man Take Garbage With Maggots?

The sanitation worker will barely look in your garbage. They will dump it and continue with their other tasks. However, if the infestation is terrible and interferes with their job somehow, they may as you to do something about it next time.

Can Vinegar kill maggots?

If you want to try a natural method of eradicating larvae, you should consider using vinegar. A solution of three parts boiling water and one part vinegar will help you kill the maggots and help you eliminate fly-attracting odors from your bin. However, if you want this method to be effective, you should repeat it at least once a week. Having a maggot infestation in your garbage is quite scary. However, the methods discussed above will help you eradicate them and prevent a re-infestation.